Terms and Conditions

BizMe ("BizMe", "us" or "we") offers a service of online education ("Services" or "BizMe Program"). These Terms and Conditions ("Terms and Conditions" or "Terms") govern your use of our website http://bizme.org ("Site") and Services. 

Before you apply for the BizMe Program or start using the Site you are required to read, understand and agree to these Terms. By accessing the site, viewing any content, or using any services available on the Site you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms, which together with our Privacy Policy, governs our relationship with you. These Terms are also a legal agreement between BizMe and participant whose application to BizMe Program has been approved and confirmed by BizMe, setting out rights and obligations of participants as participants in the BizMe Program ("Participant")

BizMe Program ("Services") is a 4-week online program. BizMe Program is held every month.


You can express your interest to join the program by filling out the form on the website. Please note that the application form is only available for a limited time before the start of the Program. The exact opening for each new program is published on the Program's website.

You will get a confirmation mail of receipt of your application together with a copy of the submitted information. If the copy of the submitted information is incorrect or the provided information has changed in the meantime, please provide us with the correct information. 

Afterward, we will evaluate and review your application. After the completed review of your application, we will invite you for a short 30-minute call to learn more about you.

At the end of the review process of the application, we will notify you whether we have decided to accept you in the BizMe Program or not.

We will send you our confirmation of application (admission offer) with the invite to confirm the entry into the BizMe Program together with the details on the price ("Fee"), the start of the BizMe Program, deadlines, and tools to be used in the program. 

Your confirmation of entry into the BizMe Program constitutes the conclusion of the Agreement based on these Terms between you as a participant in the BizMe Program and BizMe ("Agreement"). The term of the Agreement is for the duration of the BizMe Program. The agreement is stored on BizMe servers.

Payment Policy

After you have been offered a place in the BizMe Program, you have 7 days to settle the tuition fee. The exact payment terms will be communicated in the admission offer. 

Refund Policy

Due to the nature of the Services (supply of digital content which is not supplied on a tangible medium), you are not entitled to withdraw from the Agreement in the cooling period of 14 days. Together with your confirmation of an admission offer, you also provide explicit consent and acknowledgment that you thereby lose your right to withdrawal in the cooling-off period.

However, we all know that life happens, and plans change. That is why we have a postponement and refund policy. Therefore, you have two options. 

  • If you cancel your enrollment 31 days before the BizMe program starts, you will receive a full refund of your tuition 14 days after we receive your cancelation.

  • If you cancel your enrollment 30 days or less before the BizMe program starts, you will not be entitled to a refund, but you may postpone your participation according to the postponement policy.

Postponement Policy

You can postpone your participation until 21 days before the BizMe Program starts. And you can postpone your participation only once - to the next upcoming intake. 

Since the BizMe Program has limited places, your place is reserved just for you. We do not overbook programs. Therefore, we, unfortunately, do not offer postponements less than 21 days before the start or during the BizMe Program. If you are unable to join the program, you will receive access to all course materials, but you will not be a part of the BizMe program, the alumni community.

Expulsion Policy

Since the BizMe Program is based on an intimate program, each participant has certain obligations. When you join the BizMe Program, you commit yourself to contribute to the culture and submitting your work and feedback in due time. 

This ensures that all participants move together through the BizMe Program and that you can participate in participant activities and get the most out of the learning experience. 

Dispute Resolution

We firmly believe that the ability to dialog about disagreements is a skill that is very close to the core of the BizMe. If we both believe that we cannot resolve a dispute through dialog, then you agree that the New York State courts alone are competent to resolve disputes.

Sharing Policy

During the BizMe Program, you will work on the content we have prepared. As a participant, you are not required to discuss your work, disclose client details, or anything else that might be confidential. However, do not hesitate to share your work challenges with us at a level where you feel comfortable knowing you will be working with other participants in a non-NDA environment.

Confidentiality Policy

Please note that all the materials and information provided by the BizMe to the participant and all the information provided by the participant during the BizMe Program is classified as confidential information under the condition that material and information have or could have market or financial or economic value or any other value in the business activity of BizMe (mentors included) or participant ("confidential information").

This confidentiality provision, therefore, prohibits disclosure of confidential information by BizMe (mentors included) or participants to third parties, with exception of the limited transfer of copyright as set out in the following Copyright Policy clause.

Copyright Policy 

As a participant, you understand the effort required to create intellectual property, as well as its value to BizMe, LLC. The content of the BizMe Program is subject to copyright protection in its entirety.

But, BizMe transfers to participants a limited right (material copyright) to use the learning content in its original form to a reasonable extent and not in its entirety for:

  • for personal (educational) purposes and use; or

  • for internal business use (but not for market / business / gainful activity).

BizMe guarantees that in regard to the BizMe Program, no third party has a proprietary or copyrighted, or industrial property right that would exclude, reduce or restrict the rights of the participant. BizMe guarantees that these rights are protected by the agreements that BizMe has with its contractual partners and mentors.

Liability Policy

Our maximum liability to you is limited to the amount of cash actually paid by you for the BizMe Program.

BizMe is liable for the material defects of the BizMe Program which the BizMe Program had at the actual start of the program.  A material defect is in case the BizMe Program does not:

  • have the properties necessary for its normal use; or

  • have the properties necessary for the special use for which the participant is buying the program, under the condition that such special use was known to the BizMe or should have been known to BizMe beforehand; or

  • have the properties and qualities that have been explicitly or tacitly agreed; or

  • match the pattern or model, unless the pattern or model was shown for notice only.

Contact Us

For any questions regarding these BizMe Program Terms and Conditions, please contact us via one of the channels listed in the footer of this website.

BizMe, LLC

447 Broadway

2nd Floor

New York, NY 10013


Last updated: August 26th, 2021