Privacy Policy

We collect and process personal data:

  • when you visit and use our website (user)

  • when you subscribe to our newsletter (subscriber)

  • when you apply to our Program and start with the program (participant)

We collect your data so that we can use them:

  • to process your application and conclude a Program Agreement.

  • send you a newsletter.

  • to inform you about special offers which we reasonably believe may be relevant to you.

When you visit and use our website as a user we collect and process your personal data:

  • Device IP address

  • Date and time of access

  • URL of the website and referral URL (channel and campaign - method of obtaining a visitor or the source through which the visitor came to the website)

  • Website retention time, number and URLs of pages visited, and total visit time

  • The type of browser you are using and the operating system used

We only use and apply our own first-party cookies. We deem the application of cookies as necessary to run our website (website optimization, monitoring the proper functioning of the website, analysis of use) and to prevent fraud or illegal activity. We do not apply or use cookies for marketing purposes. We, therefore, process your personal data as a user with cookies on the legal basis of legitimate interest. BizMe conducted a test of legitimate interest and decided that the legitimate interests of BizMe were for the purpose of availability of the website and to prevent fraud or illegal activity.

List of cookies
Cookies Retention period

ss_cid 10 minutes

ss_cpvisit 10 minutes

ss_cvisit 30 minutes

ss_cvr 10 minutes

ss_cvt 30 minutes

When you subscribe to our newsletter as a subscriber we collect and process your personal data:

  • Email address

on the legal basis of consent (filled out newsletter subscription form). We use ConvertKit as a processor to send you updates on our program etc.

You can revoke your consent for the receipt of the newsletter with the link "unsubscribe" in the foot of every newsletter.

When you fill out the application form and the Agreement for the program is concluded, we collect and process your personal data:

  • Name, address and contact information

  • Company/Organisation

  • Other personal information for application evaluation (reasons for applying to BizMe Program, etc.)

We process your personal data as a participant on the legal basis of compliance with a legal obligation (parties to the agreement must be identified, issuing of invoice) and since collecting personal data is s necessary for the performance of a contract to which the participant is a party to. If the participant does not provide all the necessary personal data we cannot conclude an Agreement for BizMe Program.

We retain your data for the duration of your participation in the BizMe Program and for five years after the end of the program (general limitation period) and as long as you want to be part of the alumni community. Personal data on the invoice (name and address, payment information) is retained for a period of 10 years after issue.

For the performance of the BizMe Program we use the following Service provider:

  • Slack for communicating and discussion

  • Google Meet or Zoom for video lectures 

  • Google Drive/ Google Docs as administrative tools and for all program documentation

  • Zapier for processing the application

  • Calendly for scheduling video calls

Due to the invalidation of Privacy Shield as the legal basis for processing and transfer of personal data in USA, our service providers (as processors and sub-processors) have adopted alternative adequate legal basis for compliant processing of personal data in the USA such as Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) as approved by the European Commission in the concluded business agreement or Binding Corporate Rules (BCR) approved by the competent supervisory authority.

Slack Technologies, Inc. (USA) as a publisher of Slack has incorporated SCC into its Data Processing Addendum.

Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (USA) as a publisher of Zoom has incorporated SCC into its Privacy Policy.

Google Ireland Limited (Ireland) is a publisher of Google Drive/ Google Docs and thus there is no transfer of personal data outside EU/EEA.

Calendly LLC (USA) as a publisher of Calendy has incorporated a Data Processing Addendum into its Terms of Use.

Please note that your email as a participant may be visible to other participants during the BizMe Program (e.g. on Slack and Google Drive).

When you participate in the BizMe Program we collect and process your personal data:

  • Group photo of the participants (screenshots of Zoom video lectures with participant's picture)

We process your personal data as a participant on the legal basis of legitimate interest. BizMe conducted a test of legitimate interest and decided that the legitimate interests of BizMe for the purpose of direct marketing outweigh the rights and freedoms of the participant. If you do not want your picture to be included in the group photo or you want BizMe to delete your picture or interrupt the processing, you can let us know via email.

As a user, a subscriber, and a participant you have the following rights:

  • The right of access. You have the right to request copies of your personal data.

  • The right to correction. You have the right to ask us to correct any information that you believe to be inaccurate or incomplete.

  • The right to transfer the data. You have the right, under certain conditions, to request that we transfer the data to another organization or to you.

  • The right to limit processing. You have the right, under certain conditions, to request that we limit the processing of your personal data.

  • The right to object to the processing. You have the right to object, under certain conditions, to the processing of your personal data.

As a user and a subscriber, you have additional rights of:

  • The right to revoke consent. You always have the right to revoke your consent for cookies and subscription to the newsletter.

  • The right to have it deleted. You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data under certain conditions.

If you wish to exercise any of your rights, please write to us. 

Last updated: August 26th, 2021